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Our Priorities 

The world of nurisng and health care is diverse and so are our priorities. See what Nurse Alliance of SEIU California prioritizes for nurses like you! 

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We are advocates united to improve healthcare and the profession of nursing in California: through education, empowerment, and action.

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We work with Cal/OSHA through the regulatory process to ensure that healthcare workers across the state have a safe and healthy workplace.

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We lobby on legislation in Sacramento that impacts patient care, our nursing profession, and the communities that we serve.

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Union membership is the key to a strong middle class and economy. We are dedicated to dismantling structural racism in all its forms. We are addressing the threat of climate change and supporting disaster relief efforts. We are committed to nurturing and caring for our global and indigenous communities. We have a vision where families regardless of race or income, have stable housing, safe neighborhoods, quality educations, affordable childcare, and access to quality, equitable health care.

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