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The Board of Registered Nursing regulates the practice of registered nursing and certified advanced practice nurses in order to protect the public. The Board exists to protect the health and safety of consumers and promote quality registered nursing care in California. 

Upcoming BRN meetings (click here) 

Archived meetings (click here).




 Reporting License Discipline and Convictions

“Conviction” includes a plea of no contest and any conviction that has been set aside or deferred pursuant to Sections 1000 or 1203.4 of the Penal Code, including infractions, misdemeanor, and felonies. It is not necessary to report a conviction for an infraction with a fine of less than $1,000 unless the infraction involved alcohol or controlled substances. However, any convictions in which a plea of no contest was entered and any convictions that were subsequently set aside pursuant or deferred pursuant to Sections 1000 or 1203.4 of the Penal Code must be disclosed. “License” includes permits, registrations, and certificates. “Discipline” includes, but is not limited to, suspension, revocation, voluntary surrender, probation, or any other restriction.

The following information must be provided for each license discipline or conviction sustained:

  1. A detailed written explanation describing the circumstances and events that led to your arrest(s) and conviction(s), including: date and place of arrest; arresting agency; court where case was heard; and sentencing information, including fines, courses, counseling, restitution, probation, parole, community service, and jail or prison time.

  2. Documents relating to the arrest, such as: police report, arrest report, booking report, complaint, citation or ticket.

  3. Documents from the court, such as: Notice of Charges, Complaint, or Indictment; Plea Agreement, Sentencing Order, Probation Order, or Judgment; Dismissal, Probation Release, or Court Discharge.

  4. Any related mitigating evidence or evidence of rehabilitation that you want to provide.



What is the Intervention Program?

The Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)  has the primary responsibility of licensing and regulating registered nurses in California. The BRN’s responsibilities come from the Nursing Practice Act, which is composed of California statutes that give the BRN, among other functions, the authority to manage a Diversion Program for registered nurses.

The Intervention Program is a voluntary, confidential program for registered nurses whose practice may be impaired due to Substance Abuse Disorder and/or mental illness.

See this article about RN’s and DUI’s.

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